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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christian = Consumer

Oh I suppose it has been coming for some time now.  The evolution, (no pun intended), of the Christian into the Christian consumer.  The morphing of these two powerful American traits into a super-colossus-spiritual-retail phenomenon is not surprising.  It is difficult to tell where one begins and the other ends.  Christian bookstores, movies, clothing, jewelry, rock groups, dating services, and television shows.  Christian music trade associations, yellow pages, market advertising guides, retail shows, telemarketers, and even Christian spam.  Christians are now broken down into devotional buyers, mature Christians, Christian computer users, Christian “Baby Boomers”, wealthy Christians, (I wonder what they hear when they read about the camel and the eye of the needle?), Christian parents, pro-life buyers, Christian donors, Christian teens, Christian subscribers, Christian consumers by occupation and ethnicity, and Christian business owners.  The Popes and priests who sold indulgences and relics in the 16th Century were rank amateurs compared to what we see today.  


Blogger joloco said...

My point still stands. Christianity in America is no different than let's say as you put it soccer moms, NASCAR fans, The Pepsi Generation, yuppies, Hispanics, et cetera. In other words dismal.

12/15/2005 10:27:00 PM  
Blogger joloco said...

Two comments to my always faithful one. First it seems with your "get a life" comment that I must have struck a nerve. Second, as for mom, apple pie, and Old that the best you can do?

12/16/2005 01:36:00 PM  

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