Ugly Faces More Likely To End Up In Mug Shots
Washington Post
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Washington -- Not only are physically unattractive teenagers likely to be stay-at-homes on prom night, they're also more likely to grow up to be criminals, say two economists who tracked the life course of young people from high school through early adulthood.
"We find that unattractive individuals commit more crime in comparison to average-looking ones, and very attractive individuals commit less crime in comparison to those who are average-looking," say Naci Mocan of the University of Colorado and Erdal Tekin of Georgia State University.
Mocan and Tekin analyzed data from a federally sponsored survey of 15,000 high schoolers. One question asked interviewers to rate the physical appearance of the student on a five-point scale ranging from "very attractive" to "very unattractive."
These economists found that the long-term consequences of being young and ugly were small but consistent. Cute guys were uniformly less likely than averages would indicate to have committed seven crimes, including burglary and selling drugs, while the unhandsome were consistently more likely to have broken the law.
Other studies have shown that unattractive men and women are less likely to be hired, and that they earn less money than the better-looking. Such inferior circumstances may steer some to crime, Mocan and Tekin suggest.
While I agree with the result of this study based on my gut instinct, it did contain some serious errors in statistical analysis. But I think the point it makes is a valid one and is probably true in spite of the analytical skew applied.
What I would be interested in seeing, though, is some numbers on the ugliness of entrepreneurs. My theory is that everything this study says is true, and that lots of ugly people get fed up with the reality of this study and just start their own companies (and probably hire really beautiful employees).
One point I think factors into this study, but would he hard to measure, is what makes someone ugly or beautiful? Other than actual disfigurements, I think alot of where beauty comes from is self confidence, inner strength, and so on. There are men and women out there that are probably average looking at best, but come accross as beautiful because of their confidence and attitude. Does the comment, "Wow that woman is hot" stem from a detailed analysis of her facial and body features? Or is it more a reaction to her overall presentation as a person?
On the flip side, obesity can be equated to ugliness (although there are lots of people that look great even though they are big, there's still hope for me). And obesity often results from a serious lack of self-esteem and other emotional issues.
So here's a question: Does success really have to do with your looks? Or is it more related to the underlying confidence vs. poor self esteem that generate your ugliness or lack thereof?
Answer: I have no idea. But it's at least something to think about.
Something to think about indeed.
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