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Thursday, June 29, 2006

A Living Watershed

A Member’s Personal Reflections on His Church’s Call to a Gay Minister

Dear Friends,
This week I want to share with you a rare account of a Protestant church wrestling concretely with whether or not to call an openly gay man to be their minister. The account was written by a friend of mine named Chris Avis, a member of the United Reformed Church of England, who lives in Exeter. It captures so well the emotions aroused by this issue that I believe it deserves wide circulation. I hope you agree. John Shelby Spong

In my experience, emotional roller coaster rides and a church meeting rarely coincide but an extraordinary (in both senses) church meeting at my church early in 2006 was a powerful exception to the rule. Attendance was double the church meeting norm and a palpable tension was in the air. The previous Sunday, members had worshiped under the leadership of a man who had been invited as a possible candidate to fill the pastoral vacancy and now the church meeting that would in our tradition require at least 80% in favor for the call to be made. This candidate had lived with his partner for over 30 years and discussion would now ensue on whether the applicant's qualifications and experience suited the demanding challenges of the job. That was the theory.

The Debate
Our interim moderator chaired the meeting with consummate skill and sensitivity, prefacing the discussion with some familiar words from 1 John, Chapter 4, including. "Whoever loves God must also love his brother." Discussion began on the candidate's vestments from a man who was "absolutely sickened" and reckoned that this minister "would not have looked out of place in a Roman Catholic Church." Well, at least the quality of the debate could only improve now and it did when the next speaker said that she had found the candidate to be "friendly, truthful and broadminded. He has obviously looked carefully into this church and its surroundings with a view to the future. He has enormous experience with social services, young people, local government and has preached in all sorts of churches. We would be missing a tremendous opportunity if we did not call him." A male contributor commented that, "We would have to go a very long way to find someone who would match our requirements as well as this man does."
A lady then expressed concern for the safety of the families, stating that after much "open-minded research into homosexuality," she had concluded, "that Jesus was right in advising Christians not to partake in homosexual practices. I'm not against homosexuals at all, but I don't think it's right for them to be ordained to be a role model for families. It would be much better if they had a normal relationship, preferably with children."
Unfortunately, this lady's research had left her ill informed both biblically and sexually. If Jesus criticized homosexual practices, no biblical author recorded it. The condemning of the ordination of homosexuals seeks, in effect, to veto the power of the Holy Spirit who does not restrict calls to serve the church according to sexual orientation. As the next speaker pointed out, "I wonder why our church trains homosexuals at its seminaries and theological colleges if they are not going to be allowed to be ordained?" She added that most ministers have the same share of family problems as everyone else, even though people may not know about it. "I think this man has huge experience for the things we want to do," she added. These informed views were reinforced by the next speaker, who said that her children are "very aware of different sexual orientations and would have much less trouble than a lot of us older people in accepting a gay minister. Not so long ago, women ministers were treated with the same biblically backed rejection," she added.
"Whichever way I vote," said a man, "somebody's going to leave this church. I think that is dreadful. Am I going to have my priorities with the candidate or with those other members who feel so strongly in opposition that they are going to leave the church? I will vote with them and I also would leave this church."
Another countered this thinking by saying, "I also think it is dreadful that some have left our church over this matter but their departure was less because of having to decide on accepting or rejecting a gay minister and more because of deeply ingrained fears that prompted flight rather than the courage to give the candidate the benefit of the doubt and defer any resignation decision until legitimately informed by experience."
A young mother said that because there were no other similar youngsters around, she could not bring her toddler to church at present. Although we were not suddenly going to get lots of young families coming, she felt the candidate was keen to build on the experience, knowledge and skills of our mature membership and that this was an opportunity to be grabbed. A gentleman then reminded the meeting that the candidate had lived with the same partner for 31 years and together they had fostered children. "If that is not a family, I don't know what is. Shame on those who would vote against the candidate on the grounds of his sexuality." This brought a gentle rebuke from the Chair, but it needed to be said.
Then, from a lady, "A test of faith is whether I can make space for difference. Can I recognize God's image in someone who is not in my image? If I cannot, then I have made God in my image instead of allowing God to remake me in God's image."
A male contributor said that he had never fancied another man (much to the relief of his wife) but that had nothing to do with his religion, his morals or his choosing. It was how his creator had fashioned him to be. "To be heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual," he said, "is not a choice we make, it is a realization to which we awaken."
A brief interval of comic relief (unintentional) then occurred with a remark from an elderly gentleman: "I fully condemn this sort of carry-on in leadership. It was this kind of nonsense that brought down the Roman Empire."
An irate gentleman felt that we had been forced into an intolerable position, "between a rock and a hard place," he opined, "but I would say that surely such dilemmas are often found at the very heart of Christian life. To desire a comfortable faith lived in full Christian accord is only human but that faith must be courageously open to the Spirit also if we are to follow the spirited example of Jesus." Another man considered that the appointment of the candidate "would send a very strong message to our surrounding communities that we are a loving, accepting fellowship."
I am sure that God possesses what is the spiritual equivalent of a mischievous sense of humor, as the vote to call was carried by exactly 80%.
The meeting was a timely reminder to me of just how thin our Christian veneer can become when deeply held religious views and prejudices are challenged. Karen Armstrong has said that the most stubborn obstacle to Christian living is the ego. Following the example of Jesus means a constant battle to sideline self-centeredness. I believe the creative energy that Christians call the Holy Spirit was present at our meeting (because we were present), though at times that voice of love and reason was lost in egocentricity on both sides of the debate. The main item on the agenda seemed not to be the candidate's suitability for the job, but his unsuitability for the calling.
Several speakers used the threat of resignation as a debating tool, which not only suggested a possible self-awareness of the shaky foundations of their reasoning but also demonstrated a willingness to use strategies unworthy of Christian debate. A vote either way was going to result in pain and resignation for some and when the required 80% in favor was announced, it marked the sad end of an era for some of our loyal and dedicated fellow members. Unable to reconcile fear and acceptance within their perception of our church's developing Christianity, some have departed. The loss to us is great; the loss to them may be more than they currently understand and we long to celebrate their homecoming. Some may have voted for a call with considerable reservations, nevertheless willing to be guided by future experience rather than past prejudice. Perhaps they are the most courageous of all our church members.
In defense of the detractors, I felt that some had to confront openly, perhaps for the first time, sexual issues previously avoided. For many Christians, homosexuality is one of those nasty perversions condemned by the Bible, swept under the carpet of religious conservatism and privately suppressed. Usually the church implicitly supports and encourages this process, responsibility contributed to the raw emotional trauma of some of our debate.
Whenever I sang H. W. Baker's words, "Where streams of living water flow my ransomed soul he leadeth." I used to picture a pleasant walk by a pretty brook with frequent opportunities for refreshing drinks en route. Now I find that the inevitable watershed for our church caused by recent events has changed that serene image for me quite dramatically. The "living water" has become a foaming, rushing river with no safe banks to walk on; the only way ahead is to take the plunge and become willingly carried away by the flow. The majority of us remaining in our church have taken a deep breath and jumped, believing that we will not sink without trace but be buoyed up by faith. I raise my own small glass of living water and drink to that.
Chris Avis

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Flag Burning

I understand the ideas and issues on both sides of this debate. It is a rare time when I have a more nuanced opinion that doesn't conclude the opposing side is wrong. Ultimately I believe this is in the short run another attempt by the Republicans to divert attention away from more pressing issues in our country today. They seem to have gotten this tactic down to a fine art. Pity many in the country cannot see through their demagoguery.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Bush Blasts "Terror Funds" Report

The President is upset about the reporting of secret bank records surveillance by the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and the Wall Street Journal. Why do I find his bluster less than genuine? It seems the fox has gotten caught in the chicken coop once again. The sad part of this story is how a large portion of Americans will believe this harangue as Bush and his Republican cohorts continue to dismantal our Constitutional rights.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Religion and Politics

"In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination".
Mark Twain

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Saturday, June 24, 2006

109th Congress

Are You an Avowed Heterosexual?

Heterosexual Questionnaire

  1. What do you think caused your heterosexuality?

  2. When did you decide you were heterosexual?

  3. Could it be that your heterosexuality is just a phase?

  4. To who have you disclosed your heterosexuality? How did they react?

  5. If you have never slept with someone of your same gender, then how do you know you wouldn’t prefer it?

  6. Is it likely that you haven’t met the right same gender partner yet?

  7. Why do you flaunt your lifestyle with wedding rings, photos at work and talk of your heterosexual escapades?

  8. Your heterosexuality doesn’t offend me as long as you don’t try to come on to me, but why do so many heterosexuals try to seduce others to their orientation?

  9. Considering the battering, abuse and divorce rate associated with heterosexual coupling, why would you want to enter into that kind of relationship?

  10. Why do heterosexuals place so much emphasis on sex?
Source: Students for Unity at Port Washington High School

Friday, June 23, 2006

Does Gay Marriage Lead to Marriage With Animals

The Abominations of War: From My Lai to Haditha

By Cindy Sheehan
If you haven't read this article it's worth your time.

Earth Hottest It's Been in 2,000 Years

By JOHN HEILPRIN The Associated Press
The Earth is running a slight fever from greenhouse gases, after enjoying relatively stable temperatures for 2,000 years. The National Academy of Sciences, after reconstructing global average surface temperatures for the past two millennia, said Thursday the data are "additional supporting evidence ... that human activities are responsible for much of the recent warming."
Other new research showed that global warming produced about half of the extra hurricane-fueled warmth in the North Atlantic in 2005, and natural cycles were a minor factor, according to Kevin Trenberth and Dennis Shea of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, a research lab sponsored by the National Science Foundation and universities.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Party of the People. The Rich People That Is.

The Republican-controlled Senate smothered a proposed election-year increase in the minimum wage Wednesday June 21st.

The Republican-controlled House voted Thursday to cut taxes on inherited estates and relieve thousands of heirs from paying tax collectors during the next decade.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Sir Richard Dawkins

"If you have a faith, it is statistically overwhelmingly likely that it is the same faith as your parents and grandparents had. No doubt soaring cathedrals, stirring music, moving stories and parables, help a bit. But by far the most important variable determining your religion is the accident of birth. The convictions that you so passionately believe would have been a completely different, and largely contradictory, set of convictions, if only you had happened to be born in a different place".

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Ann Coulter..........There she goes again.

From my friend Betty Bower:
Let's be honest: Reading a book about religion from Ann Coulter is tantamount to reading a book about dieting from Michael Moore. After all, who wants to be lectured about not being Christian enough by an almost-50 year-old boozehound in a black leather miniskirt who has never been married? Count me as having a healthy skepticism over whether Miss Coulter has saved herself for marriage. Or anything, for that matter.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Fiscal Conservatives..............My A _ _

Are there any Republicans who still believe they are the party of fiscal conservatives? Let's face it the party is only there to help those who can help themselves and the Christian Taliban.

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