Digital Doomsday Clock
Digital Doomsday Clock
US Deaths in Iraq since March 20th, 2003
Marriage is love.

Monday, October 16, 2006

So Called "Family Values"

The US Census Bureau in its 2005 American Community Survey has shown that traditional marriage has ceased to be the preferred living arrangement in the majority of US households. It indicated that efforts by President George W. Bush and his allies, who over the past five years have made a concerted effort to shore up traditional marriage and families through tax breaks, special legislation and church-sponsored campaigns is bearing little fruit. The shift, experts said, also raises the question about the future effectiveness of so-called "family value" politics currently played by both Republicans and Democrats.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

How Low Can You Go?

A poll conducted for CNN over the weekend suggests support among Americans for the war in Iraq is dwindling to an all-time low. Just 34 percent of those polled say they support the war, while 64 percent say they oppose it.
Women led the opposition, with seven in 10 saying they oppose the war. Twenty-eight percent say they support it, which is the lowest support among women in any CNN poll taken since the invasion more than three years ago.
Support among men is stronger, with 40 percent supporting the conflict and 58 percent opposed to it.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Shame on you Mr. President

MSNBC News Services

WASHINGTON - U.S. military casualties have surged in Iraq in recent weeks, with U.S. troops engaging in perilous urban sweeps to curb sectarian violence in Baghdad while facing unrelenting violence elsewhere.
At least 44 U.S. troops have been killed so far in October. At the current pace, the month would be the deadliest for U.S. forces since January 2005. After falling to 43 in July, the U.S. toll rose in August and September before spiking this month. The war’s average monthly U.S. death toll is 64.
The number of U.S. troops wounded in combat also has surged, with September’s total of more than 770 the highest since November 2004, when U.S. forces launched a ground offensive to clear insurgents from Fallujah.

So This is Cut and Run

The head of the Army is calling for British troops to withdraw from Iraq "soon" or risk catastrophic consequences for both Iraq and British society. In a devastating broadside at Tony Blair's foreign policy, General Sir Richard Dannatt stated explicitly that the continuing presence of British troops "exacerbates the security problems" in Iraq.

Better Off With Hastert in Power? Hmmmmmmm.

Former Rep. Mark Foley's one-time aide didn't waver Thursday from his contention that he told the House Speaker's chief of staff at least three years ago about Foley's approaches to male pages, the witness' lawyer said.

President Bush stood shoulder-to-shoulder with embattled House Speaker Dennis Hastert on Thursday, offering a powerful boost in his moment of need and declaring the country "better off" with Hastert in power.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

It's the Democrat's Fault

But he's a God fearing Christian.

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