Shame on you Mr. President

MSNBC News Services
WASHINGTON - U.S. military casualties have surged in Iraq in recent weeks, with U.S. troops engaging in perilous urban sweeps to curb sectarian violence in Baghdad while facing unrelenting violence elsewhere.
At least 44 U.S. troops have been killed so far in October. At the current pace, the month would be the deadliest for U.S. forces since January 2005. After falling to 43 in July, the U.S. toll rose in August and September before spiking this month. The war’s average monthly U.S. death toll is 64.
The number of U.S. troops wounded in combat also has surged, with September’s total of more than 770 the highest since November 2004, when U.S. forces launched a ground offensive to clear insurgents from Fallujah.
Yeah, we need to get out of there. In fact, we need to pull out of Afghanistan, too. When we do that, all of the Fascist-Muslims will heave a sigh of relief, lay down their RPGs and IEDs, stop pursuing infidel-killing nuclear weapons, and sit around drinking thick coffee from tiny cups, feeling remorse for ever plotting attacks against The Great Satan in the first place.
I assume n. pike and I read and watch much of the same information comming out of Iraq and Afghanistan. What I find interesting is how we come to such different conclusions. Thanks for the comments n. pike.
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