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Monday, December 18, 2006

Atheist = Evil?

Had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine last night where I was less than reticent about my views on Christianity in particular and religion in general. He was aghast to find out that I did not believe in a god to the point that he was sure I was doomed to hell. I'm not talking about a "religious-right" nut case here, rather an ordinary working class guy.

I never know where to go with these conversations because those holding other beliefs are unable to understand that outside of faith their arguments are rather silly from a scientific viewpoint not to mention the fear they have for my everlasting soul. Yet I'm not going to be as quiet about this topic any more. I believe too many of the Christian faith are attempting to legislate and make policy from a belief system that has as its foundation a man-god who like a zombie rose from the dead and while alive walked on water, changed water into wine, single handedly calmed ocean storms, raised people from the dead, with some help from spit and dirt made a blind man see and had direct conversations with the devil amongst other things. Not to mention the fact as the great CSN once sang, "Too many people have died in the name of Christ for anyone to heed the call". No, I think I'll speak up and challenge more often.

“It is a short walk from the hallelujah to the hoot.” —Vladimir Nabokov

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