Digital Doomsday Clock
Digital Doomsday Clock
US Deaths in Iraq since March 20th, 2003
Marriage is love.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

A small man

Tom DeLay's soon to be released book will prove once again what a myopic, small minded, mean-spirited individual he is. His inablity to remove his horse blinders and accept any responsibility for his downfall is pathological. Pity he will not consider therapy.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Republicans, who have pandered to the religious right for the past 20 years will find it difficult if not impossible to bridge the difference between the more fiscal conservative and social conservative. Up to this point both have seen an advantage to a coalition. I believe they can no longer sustain this alliance and will suffer at the polls throughout the next election cycle. I predict the Democrats will take back the White House as well as maintain healthy majorities in the Senate, House, and Governorships.

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