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US Deaths in Iraq since March 20th, 2003
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Before & After



How are we ever going to get out of this Mr. President?


Blogger The Rogue Jew said...

Usual leftist bullshit...Blame the US, not the Sunni Islamonazi pencildicks that did this.

WOW, you are a typical liberal leftist. All criticism and no original ideas.

Let it be known that Bush is not exactly on my Hanukkah list right now, but given the choice of Bush vs Kerry...Not a hard decision.

Unlike liberals, I don't blindly follow my leaders without question or some dissent from time to time. Liberals on the other hand drink merrily from the container of purple koolaide handed out by Hillary and Bubba.
L'Chaim............The Rogue Jew

2/22/2006 08:54:00 PM  
Blogger joloco said...

I don't tend to get into ad hominem attacks as ze'ev is wont to do yet I do want to clarify where his vitriol eminates. Yesterday I visited ze'ev's blog and commented on a number of his posts. Though he and I have much in common, we also dissagree on a number of issues. Instead of wanting to converse on the topics of dissagreement ze'ev finds it easier to attack the messenger. I find this approach common in the world of blogging but especially from those who have a more conservative bent. (This is probably more my bias). I wish it were not the case but it is the world we find ourselves in. As for ze'ev he remains true to his moniker, the wolf. A wolf lives in a world of survival of the fittest. It is a harsh world and one in which I prefer to not partake. I wouldn't think his life has many happy moments.

2/23/2006 11:54:00 AM  
Blogger Jim V said...

So attacks aside, how is it that Bush it to blame for this Islam on Islam attack? I missed that in your post.

3/03/2006 05:42:00 AM  
Blogger joloco said...

I first want to say that jim v and I have traded posts in other blogs. I find his comments thought provoking and well studied.

My point here jim v is not to directly blame the President for the incident but to wonder how our invasion and subsequent occupation has contributed to this ever increasing level of violence.

3/04/2006 12:57:00 PM  
Blogger Jim V said...

I would respond that to eliminate a hornets nest, you must by necessity stir up the hornets. I think that prior administrations were so concerned about the flurry of hornets, that the nest was allowed to grow to a dangerous level.

I would say that we have eliminated a dangerous and brutal leader. The hornets nest has been yanked from the branch. The process of building a new government will be long, difficult, and wrought with failure. There will be lots of hornets flying around.

Much like the process of founding our shared nation, the United States. The Constitution which allows you and I to trade this discourse without fear of reprisal or execution is not the first, or even the second document created for such a purpose. And many in the South today still claim that the dirt is red from the blood spilled in out Civil War. Note, though, that they also eat possum. So take that into consideration. But the point is that our own history is full of strife, anguish, and failure. Why should we not afford the same mistake-making process to the Iraqis?

My point is that we've created a huge mess over there, haven't we? Heaven forbid a Republican should say that, right? So you and I agree on that point.

Where we disagree is our assessment of whether that is necessarily a bad thing. Iraq is a nation full of people who now have the rather ominous task of answering the question, "What do we care about enough to make it law?"

The citizens of Iraq disagree on that question. But what we have accomplished, if nothing else, is creating an environment in which expressing such disagreement is not an instant pathway to execution.

The Iraqis are just now building a marketplace of ideas where only a short time ago there was no such marketplace. Over 200 years after the US created its marketplace of ideas, we're still trying to figure out what that means. Iraqis have had several months. It's still messy over there.

So my response to you is that the hornets are flying about. And that is distressing to say the least. But it is also a necessary step in the process of removing the hornets nest.

I wish it was going faster. I wish the figures at the top of your blog were blatant lies, or at least exaggerations.

But the fact that we cannot accomplish everything all at once in Iraq is not a reason to accomplish nothing. Neither the rights of the Iraqi people nor our national security are worth so little.

Thank you for your kind words.

3/05/2006 06:18:00 PM  

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