Just A Thought
“Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.”
Labels: religion
Marriage is love. |
“Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.”
Labels: religion
Faith-firm or unquestioning belief in something for which there is no proof.
Labels: faith based politics, religion
More Americans dead in Iraq than killed on 9/11. Involvement in Iraq War longer than involvement in WWII, with no end in sight I might add. No weapons of mass destruction found. Iraq never tied to Al-Qadea. Democracy building replaced by civil war. Now President Bush wants to be compared to President Truman. Fat chance.
"I don't think I would have called it the war on terror. I don't mean to be critical of those who have. Certainly, I have used the phrase frequently. Why do I say that? Because the word 'war' conjures up World War II more than it does the Cold War. It creates a level of expectation of victory and an ending within 30 or 60 minutes of a soap opera. It isn't going to happen that way. Furthermore, it is not a 'war on terror.' Terror is a weapon of choice for extremists who are trying to destabilize regimes and (through) a small group of clerics, impose their dark vision on all the people they can control. So 'war on terror' is a problem for me."
Bush conceded this week for the first time that the U.S. is not winning the conflict in Iraq.
Labels: bush, impeachment, iraq
Had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine last night where I was less than reticent about my views on Christianity in particular and religion in general. He was aghast to find out that I did not believe in a god to the point that he was sure I was doomed to hell. I'm not talking about a "religious-right" nut case here, rather an ordinary working class guy.
By Karen DeYoung
Women in Iraq and Afghanistan are losing ground. The Taliban are back in force. Iraq and the Palestinians are in or moving toward civil war. The government of Lebanon is being co-opted by Hezbollah. Saudi Arabia funds the Sunnis in Iraq. Iran is developing nuclear weapons.
Labels: bush, middle east
Labels: nursing
The American people have repudiated him, the Iraq Study Group has repudiated him, the Secretary General of the UN has repudiated him, and his own party now sees him more as a liability than an asset. This is what it took to silence GWB. Is he being reflective? Let's hope. Is he running scared? I can't imagine. Or is he just taking cover thinking he can wait this out and resume the same old same old? Sadly I think this is more in line with his thinking. I truly believe the man does not have the capacity to change. Probably all a part of his evangelical, literal bible believing born-again Christian self. I will continue to count the days to the end of this debacle of a presidency.
The Republican Party is caught between Scylla and Charybdis. On the one side is the beast they have fed for so many years, the religious right. On the other is the more traditional libertarian, Rockefeller/Goldwater sort who continue in their fiscal conservativism yet are not so keen on conservative social issues.
Labels: democrat, politics, republican
Conservative Jews as well as the Episcopal Church of the US have moved toward greater acceptance of gays and lesbians. Though controversial it is important to remember that most decisions relating to greater acceptance of the other within religious organizations began on a small scale, were controversial, created schism, and eventually became de rigueur. I believe we shall see the same in this case within the next 100 years.
In U.S., fear and distrust of Muslims runs deep.
U.S. Prison Population Sets Record
Labels: justice department, prison
Paper Systems Should Be Included, Agency Says.
Pakistani Islamists protest as new rape law signed.