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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Another New Year

Here you are...another year on this staggeringly deluded and absurd world where the 358 richest humanoids have 60% of all the wealth, the 3 billion poorest have only 2% and 51 of the largest 100 global economies are corporations, not countries—yet virtually everyone continues to submit to maudlin, chauvinistic propaganda about democracy and free-enterprise, utterly transparent euphemisms for plutocracy and corporatist feudalism.  So—if it is still remotely conceivable to experience even a molecule of joy without being placed on a five-year, credit-reference/entitlement-verification waiting list—I hope you have a genuinely wonderful day.  And don’t forget to make a great, big revolutionary wish.


Blogger joloco said...

I'm saying that if the first part of the comment is even vaguely accurate, and I suspect it is, then much of what we see around us is a bit absurd.

1/12/2006 08:24:00 PM  
Blogger wdporter said...

Hey Joloco...I'm a little empathatic with our Marine friend here...I'm having trouble seeing the point. Your argument sort of falls apart when you look at the areas of the world that are the most free enterprise being the areas of the world that are the least poverty stricken.

Not that free enterprise in and of itself is the end answer, but there are many who believe (myself included) that it is indeed a prerequisite. I might be symantically or euphemistically challenged...but there are very few models I see around me that one could legitimately call "free enterprise" that could by any stretch be considered "corporalist feudalism".

OH...and good look with your next credit card application. Make it a great day.

1/13/2006 03:32:00 PM  

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